after talking to the manger it is now and delt with, he also was very happy i told and i got my game thank god
golferman's forum posts
yea i am going to try and complian right now stupid ****
ok so i was in walmart(only place to buy video games in my town)today trying to buy a T rated game im 16 and the lady working there said i needed to be 17+to buy this game(UFC 2009) and 18+ to buy a M rated game. I told her that i think she got the rating mixed up I was really pissed i even tried to make her check the back of the and she wouldnt. I am so pissed right now
What should i do should i contact Walmart and complian
Man i think i need some more games
wow some of you guys have alot
PS1 0
PS2 1
PS3 0
I have 28 so now i want to see how many you have
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