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Wii Shop Channel 5 reasons why it rocks

Does anyone else love the Wii Shop Channel? How can you not? New channels, new retro games and soon to be orignal games. Whats not to love? Here is the top 5 reasons it rocks in no specific order.

5. The Currency System
The currency system is flawless. Point values are actually easy to figure out, and you can actually know how much money the points are. This is unlike Microsofts system of points, which makes no sense what so ever (200 points=$1.76??????). Also it is easy to get points on the service, and I think that the Wii Point Cards are a great gift. Aparently so do other people too seeing as that these cards are often sold out.

4. The Searching System
Searching on the Wii shop channel is easy. It has plenty of categorys to search through and Its great for finding the Virtual Console Games you need.

3. The Virtual Console
Come on guys this is the reason to get on this thing! Who doesnt love the Virtual Console. So many good games, over many platforms. All the games from the past that you will ever want to play. Well maybe not right now, but come on i dont care, Nintendo can take its dandy old time releasing games as long as they put out some good ones. Which of course they have. Paper Mario, Zelda 1,2, Link to a past, and OOT, Metroid, Super Metroid, Sonic, Beyond Oasis, ECT the list keeps going. Come on VC is amazing!!!

2. Buying Channels
Hmmm well this feature isnt amazing, but who hasnt downloaded Everbody Votes or the internet channel. Lol yeah so its fun. And the Internet channel is flawless and so is Everybody Votes. So why not go for it. And the news of a new Mii channel coming soon only sweetens this part of it.

1. Promotional Channels
Okay this probably could have gone in the other section but i needed one more so it goes here. So yeah promotional channels like the MP3 one are great. Think of the possiblities. You can put demos on these channels and the videos and honestly theyre just really fun. Great way to hype up upcoming releases. I know i have fun watching the metriod prime videos, you should too. Hopefully Nintendo does more with this.One for the upcoming Galaxy would be great and idk maybe some third parties can get into this too.
    The Wii Shop channel is amazing. I wouldnt say flawless but it is superbly great. And the future looks bright. The VC hits will keep coming and wont be stoping. And more systems are coming soon too to VC so look for that. O yeah and did i mention WiiWare. Orignal titles. SOUNDS GREAT. Especially with the wiimote. Obviously that will be fun. Hopefully nintendo wll release some sort of hardrive for the wii to allow developers to make slightly more complex games too. All in all the Wii Shop Channel is great and the future looks bright for it.

O yeah and i just got Bioshock and so far its amazing. I will have a review soon. But that might not be for some time seing as i have school and HS tennis after school.