@videogameninja: Hopefully this season will be available on disc. I missed out on season 3 because of it's download-only approach. Damn shame - no game has made man tears run down my face like Walking Dead Seasons 1 & 2 did!
@asnakeneverdies: I still think Blood Money is the better game to be honest. Being instantly recognized as an intruder by certain npcs without any way of knowing which npcs had that power ruined the Ai for me, as I like to play without all the UI stuff floating about in the world. As it is, Hitman 2016 feels like it was designed to be played with the extra help on - the floating dots above npcs heads and stuff.
@gamingdevil800: I waited for the "complete first season" disc. As a fan of the series since Hitman 2, I feel the way you can just choose missions at any time kills any sense of progression, as fun as the missions are. Feels kinda pointless. You do a mission, unlock some stuff, so you can... Do it again? I'd much rather they bring in an (IN-GAME) economy like in Blood Money and C47, also the notoriety system, flesh that stuff out more, let us choose missions as they come up like emails for side missions in Mass Effect 1-3, or something like that. Not just "Here's the menu, off you go."
Hmm... If it was just mulitplayer crap I wouldn't mind since I don't touch that anymore, but actual missions and stuff? Come on Rockstar, that's not cricket.
I love Fallout, and I'll probably get this if it's not ruined by some online multiplayer shit, but in all honesty the open-world game that really has my attention is The Sinking City. That's probably a bit more niche though.
@dannybuchanan5: I don't think it's true that realism has never mattered to be honest. Concessions have been made, sure, for quality of life reasons for example, or (most commonly) dumbing down to appeal to larger demographics. But to say realism has never mattered is a bit of an overstatement - no offence.
Good_Coop89's comments