I think that the Godfather for the PC is one of the greatest games that I have ever played for the PC. I have beaten the games many times and I never get tired of it. There is story mode where it fallows a lot like the movie, but then there is hit contracts where different people tell you to kill important people of mostly the Tartaglia family, and if you do bonus condition hits where they will tell you to kill them in a cool way like throwing them of a bridge you get more respect and money. You have respect levels, you fill them up by doing missions and robing banks and killing bad people. When you gain a respect level you can improve your attributes(to make him better). Like you can improve your shooting, health, streat smarts(pretty much knowledge of getting away with things), speed, and fighting. Also you can change your clothes, you can get respect if you buy nice suits. So if you have 50 dollars and you don't know what to spend on it, go to a Gamestop or EB Games and buy it.
goodburger993 Blog
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