I saw this documentary on tvåan yesterday about TV-series and its creators. I didn't know all the stuff about how TV things worked there on the other side of the pond, all the rules about what you couldn't show on Network channels( it's forbidden to show someone through a sniper's binocular thingy on his gun if there's a cross-with-a-ring in the picture, do you get what I'm trying to say here?) How basic cable had some rules whilst premium cable had now sense of discretion at all(HBO) It was real interesting to See how they plot their shows so that everything exciting happens 8 minutes apart i.e. commercial break time. And how many billboards of TV shows commercials there was along the roads in LA, that there is a whole time period where all new pilots air. Television has a lot of control over many peoples lives.
Back to reality then, there's been planes and helicopters and shootings by the military for two days now, won't they just shut up for a while!
Words of wisdom: Let us all dress up as guys and play soccer!