I'm looking at the THQ pack... however can someone tell me if any of those games are good for multiplayer and have populated servers? Thanks.
gordonfrohman14's forum posts
I want to get Battlefield: Bad company 2, but first I'd like to know if I'll get a smooth (~30+) fps on low settingswith my current rig.
CPU: AMD Athlon ll X3 425 (R) 2.7 GHz (95W)
PSU: 300W
GPU: ATI Radeon HD 4650
Thanks in advance for any help.
In Call of Duty, for the most part whoever sees the enemy first wins. It's very basic gameplay requiring little strategy except camping. In BF:BC2, because of the gameplay modes, vehicles etc.the game actually requires strategy.
So if you want a run & gun game, get CoD, if you want deeper and more team-based gameplay get BFBC2.
Thank you for the reccomendation. My budget is around 800$... however do you know if the setup I mentioned will play high graphic games like Crysis at respectable settings?
I'm looking for a new gaming computer and found this one for 750$:
HP-Pavilion AU993AA-ABL p6218f
Processor: AMD Athlon II X3 425 2.70GHz
Memory: 7.99 GB 1066 MHz
Graphics card: ATI Radeon HD 4650
Does this seem like a good gaming computer for new first person shooters? (e.g. Battlefield Bad Company 2) Thanks. I know building a PC is better but I am not interested in doing that.
First Fallout: New Vegas screens! :o
Looks great visually... however it looks like you still can't use melee effectively in VATS! I hope melee weapons aren't still underpowered like in FO3... with such low damage they were useless after the first few levels.
Yeah I know it's full of viruses... never again using it after this lol.
Anyways where can I find system restore, and what does it do?
The sound is no longer a problem but now my computer is acting extremely slow, adn I can't even open my antivirus to scan the computer. I scanned the file before opening and it said there was nothing wrong with it.
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