gordonp832's forum posts
Top moments:
1. Buying the PS3
2. Getting $100 Giftcard for buying the PS3
3. Getting $100 credit on my credit card while buying the PS3
4. Playing MGS4.
5. Playing COD4.
The worst
The end of MGS4 when I realised it was the end and that Snake was at his end, but GREAT how Hideo did it, nobody wanted to watch him actually go.
To start... nobody touches my new MGS4 80GB Playstation unless they want to sign contracts stating I have the right to charge for any damages or they understand that the Italian Mafia will be on their ass until I get said money.
I treat my games like demi-gods, to the ultimate God the Playstation. I even treat my Playstation 2 like a God still. When you work hard for your money all summer and go to school during the year you know that you need a stress reliever to be there at the end of the day.
If I got back to my dorm and didn't have that because someone was to damage the game of the day/week/month/year I would be pissed off. If my PS3 or components broke I would be pissed even more. Unless, they broke of my own malfunction, where I would not be angry or if they were to malfunction themselves.
Games can be lent out to close friends but with the promise that I am the worst rental service and I will call in money for buying the game if it has ONE scratch and I have.
Well I am sure by now you have seen tons of questions about the PS3 deal at EB.
I want to post this question to get your opinions on what I should do in the following senario.
I am considering going for the EBGames deal of turning in my PS2, 2 controlers, and a memory card and getting $80 towards a PS3 40 GB. Along with that turning in my Nintendo DS and 6 games (seeing as it was the biggest mistake I ever made) and get probably another $100 towards a PS3.
You figure that a PS3 and one game (COD4) is about $500 so that makes it $320 or so to buy a PS3.
However I lose backwards compatability and my PS2 and the useless DS. I am about as broke as they come being a college student.
Input would be amazing to help me figure out what to do.
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