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MYST IV Revelation

Gosh i just finished playing the MYST IV Revelation game. all i can say is o m g lol i was at first not happy cause you could not go anywhere you wanted to but after playing and getting into the puzzles i was like i gota finish this game. the door puzzle with drove me nuts. but it was soooo sweet when i got it. i jumped out of my chair called the kids and did the dance. lol but i have to agree there is defently something wronge with that family gean pool. lol all the kids come out messed up to one degree or the other. you learn alote more about the people when you read the books in the uru live game. lol man some messed up people its amazing they lived as long as they did. lol but then again i feel for the family you fallow in the games. i did finally read the myst book the first one. now that told me alote about the game i wanted to know. pritty cool. i enjoyed this game to no end. :):) if you are a myst fan you have to play this game really you wont be sorry if you did. :):)

URU Complete Chronicles

I am playing this game for the second time and i have just fell in love with it again. :)  I was able to play the live one and that was great. Right now i am in the ages beyond myst part and i can't wait to finish that and move on to the next. Having the complete chronicles is very helpfull while playing. I wont have to put in another cd to move on. I can just keep playing.  :)  this image is from the game. its the one part when you need to jump from a ledge to a bit of rock well i keep over shooting it. after the 5th time i decided to stop and smell the lava lol

stop and smell the lava in the uru complete chronicles