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New Cd's

Has anyone noticed that lately there has been many good rock cd's?  I mean I like some of the new ones but not very many.  I recently got the new OZZY and while typical ozzy it lacked some of his flair.  Im not saying it was bad but I dont know something was missing.

I also got the new Linkin Park which is quite different from there other stuff.  Im still debating whether i like it or not.  It is way mellower and doesnt have some of the booming beats and riffs that the other two had.

Lately it just seems the bands are putting out albums for the sake of putting out albums and not for the fans.  I dont know maybe its just me.....just a thought i had.

Gears of War

I just figured i'd voice out my 2 cents about the biggest release thus far on the xbox 360, Gears of war.  I've read many differing opinions about the story and the single player mode, but i loved it personally.  The ingame story yes was only given in bits and pieces, however the background story was thoroughly put together.

Marcus was in jail for not following orders, because he tried to save his father.  Hell, i would have done the same thing.  I dont know a person that would not have tried.  He is broken out by an old friend Dom, and thrown back into the fight.  He even states he is not fighting the war for gen. hoffman, he has his own reasons.  I think he is doing it to make up for not saving his father.  We might not ever know, but hopefully a sequel will answer the question a little.

Did anyone ever notice, when anya first appeared out of the helicopter, how they looked at each other.  They must have known each other.  Just my theory.  Maybe companions or lovers at one time.  That was not a normal look

I have beaten casual and hardcore so far, giving it  a little break for a few days then im going to venture into hardcore.  Great game, and i look forward to the next installments...