Manhunt 3
by gorilaboy on Comments
Well, if I were to design a sequel, this is what it would be: The game starts in a center for the criminally insane. Two doctors are discussing a patient in front of his cell (you). He's smart and dangerous, be careful, don't underestimate him, blah, blah, blah. Anyways, the camera moves into the cell, showing your character. He's listening to the ravings of the man in the cell next to him, who's raving about attaining eternal life (some voodoo thing, probably). Anyways, during one psyche evaluation, your character breaks out, interrogates the man in the cell next door, and escapes (I envision this as the tutorial). From there, you acquire an artifact to collect souls (stealthily, killing when necessary). You're injured in the process, acquiring a slow limp that prevents running. From this point on, you're basically a horror movie killer, and move into a free roaming neighborhood, where you go from house to house, cutting phone lines and power, barring doors, hiding in closets, hiding bodies, and killing victims with improvised, gruesome, ways before they can escape and get help or phone the police (history of the main character will probably be revealed during this section). If you manage to scare a victim (If they discover bodies, or they see a brief glimpse of you, or lock them in a room, or all those great horror movie moments) they will be momentarily paralyzed start acting more irrationally. After that, the main character performs a ritual, and the player switches to a new character. You are now the old main characters next victim (perhaps a relative), and must escape the killer, find out about his source of power (with a return to the nut house), undo his immortality, and finally kill the 'monster'. (These are probably going to be stealth missions) I've never played any of the manhunt games, and probably wouldn't play this one, either, but with halloween coming soon I usually have these kinds of thoughts floating around in my head.
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