Dana Elcar (1927-2005), the actor who played alongside Richard Dean Anderson in MacGyver (1985-92), passed away Monday due to complications from pneumonia in California.
He played the blissful boss of MacGyver throughout the course of the show. He is and will always be known as MacGyver's "go-to" man. Other than MacGyver, Elcar played in many other TV shows and moves (use IMDB to look at the others). When he contracted Glaucoma, he character was written with the blind-causing disease too. My prayers will be with him and his family as they go through this tough time.
Please continue his legacy by purchasing and/or watching MacGyver, and please say a prayer for him. Rest in Peace Dana Elcar.
For more information you can either use google or http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20050610/ap_en_tv/obit_elcar .
Note: This journal was an edited bulletin I posted in The Stargate Universe Union.
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