1. Final Fantasy 7 Never really got into it, since my PS1 at that time messed up, so I kinda missed the FF7 era. 2.Psychonauts I'm still kina "What the?" about this game. 3.Super Smash Bros. I feel so bad. This is probably the best game ever for me and I didn't play it, because I didn't own a Nintendo 64, nor do I own a GameCube. I hate myself. 4.Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes As I said I never owned a GameCube. Damn! I enjoyed the PS1 game a lot. Too bad I can't enjoy the new version of it. 5.SmackDown!: Shut Your Mouth! Never hit the stores in my area. I would have loved this game.
1.) All the SmackDown! games, because I like the show and the games themselves are awesome aswell. 2.) Hitman: Blood Money 3.) Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 4.) Metal Gear Solid 3 5.) Elder Scrolls: Oblivion
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