I have just started work on a Game Design course with Train2Game and will be working toward a degree in Game Design. In doing so I found a side effect to be that I have made a few friends and we have teamed up to bring a brand new exclusive IP title.
A zombie game with a difference I wont be letting too much slip only that the game will provide a challenge for gamers of any level. I have also made two or three small games that can be found on the Devils Inc website.
These games are simple scrollers or point and click adventures.
The reason I decided to do such a course was simple Im a very passionate gamer, just look at my gaming tag as proof of how much time and effort I put into games as a whole.
I decided I wanted to turn a passion into a career and having a rather never say die attitude I spent hours on google check the credentials of this course, it has ALOT of bad press but google tends to display negative long before it displays positive if you take time to watch various videos from the site itself youll realise that it as a good an opportunity as youre going to get.
This isnt a sales pitch either merely a personal observation, but as mentioned above I have made some good friends and we are now knee deep in development of our own independent title. I will from tiem to time update you on the status or you can follow along on ourFacebook Page.