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Super Rant!!

Ok it's one of those days and this emotion has to go somewhere so you guys it! So here it is, been the opticians and it seems my eyes are getting worse not good for agamer I struggle to see as it is!! My dog decided he was gunna crap all over my house so not impressed as he has an upset stomach right now so yeah not fr***in impressed!!

I'mstressed out and angry and argh!!! Just had dinner and my fish and chips were all liquid ICK!! Gah I hate things when they dont go my way spoilt brat ain't I? ontop of that HMV decide not to stock FF-XIII on their online site which is just ARGH!!!

Why why must things torture me? My best mate thinks Demon Souls is the greatest game ever and personally I think it's a waste of disc... Dont ask why just dont think its all its cracked up to be!!

And then onto SONY my beloved PS3 I see many annoying flaws cropping up the first been the browsers inability to so as much as we'd like you see as soon as the Java Script is taxed in anyway it crashes and takes my PS3 down with it. Thats annoying!! Unable to use the browser while still in creates alot oif time wasting dropping out of game or turning to use my laptop I'd like to be able to drop the browser to the background and access it from the XMB when needed!!