Still looks like they got bored and glued two ps2's together hehe but it is indeed a nice piece of equipment one I truely look forward to getting my hands on.
This game gets alot of hammer, yes its flawed in many places i found places where the scenery tore something chronic on the PS3 version but I found if you put that aside (and took it offline) alot of the so called issues simply disappeared, I enjoyed the game it was a newer approach to Zombie games, I did write a review to this game I think .... but my point is it caught alot of flak but it is a damn good game if you give it a chance. As for the trailer .... I never saw it, bought the game on a whim.
Its odd to see RE get torn apart so badly, I think they do need to go back to what made it great, they need the SURVIVAL HORROR back not this CoD element it seems to have gained, or that's how I felt playing through Chris' campaign neways, maybe something between RE 2 & Dead Island set in another suburban town like Raccoon City :)
gothic_kane's comments