It's all very interesting to watch unfold as I get older. Something as simple as matchmaking for online play, which is so very clearly broken in the vast majority of games that implement it, is far and away the default system that developers use in their games now.
And why is that?
Is it because that's what developers know and are comfortable with?
Is because consumers have come to expect to click the top option and be thrown right into the mix online with other people?
Or it is because a few games/series exploded with sales and everyone is just following the leaders.
I suspect it's a combination of all three. And although better options exist (server lists and more empowered hosting) nothing is going to change anytime soon on consoles because the status quo is already so ingrained into the medium. It'll take the next COD or breakout billion seller to take the first step into--or rather back--before the industry will feel developers and consumers are able to handle the freedom of choices.
Live's textures are clearly much niced than either of the other two games. Now if only that gameplay could come together a little better. 2K's graphics are just fine for me with the gameplay that they provide.
gqman2121_basic's comments