Is there any long term effects of listening to too much DnB music? I think my internal rthym is getting a little off lately...
Do you consider funk its own seperate genre or a sub-genre of jazz? I think it's jazz still, but my sister disagrees, help me prove her wrong!
I am almost finished with another review (I'm on a review rampage now) so yeah...
lastly if you have a xbox 360 do you think the XBLA game "Exit" is worth it? I heard about it when it was on the psp but I just recently found out it was on XBLA. I don't want to go to the 360 forum because threads go unanswered, plus if they anser it will just be "LOL wtf is that?" and "just go play more coffee overdose for 4"
address all 3 if you can, thanks in advance. well drop a comment in the box and a coin in my hand.