Well you know the drill.
1. I hate fruit. Seriously, I despise it, borders on phobia. I have never eaten a piece of fruit before in my whole life and I never will. If every other food source disapears I still won't eat fruit. Ever since I was a baby I never ate fruit, my family tells me how I would spit it out as a kid, even at 3 months old! I still have good health though, and I get my vitamin C from this concentrate juice I drink.
2. I'm semi-abidextris. I write and use eating utensils with my left hand, but throw stuff with my right, I can kick/jump off of with either leg, and I can play tennis/badminton/racquet based sports with both arms, but I can only swing righty in baseball. So yeah, some things I can do with both sides, some with only one side.
3. I want to leave USA as soon as possible, I don't like it here. I'm thinking some European bungalow with a coffee machine in every room and a teleporter to the futball stadium... no? In all honesty, when I get the oppurtuniry, I don't think I will reside in this country anymore.
4. My music tastes include everything, really name any genre, I got something like it in my itunes library. But I dislike mainstream/comtemporary music and I think some classic rock is overrated. Plus I play the trumpet, I used to play the piano, but I found it annoying as hell.
5. Not to brag, but I got some slick skills at hacky-sac/footbag. The game is perfect in my eyes, all you need is the footbag, youself and a little bit of open space. Also I dislike organized/competitive sports, basically most other sports out there. Especially games like lacrosse or baseball, I mean look at all the freaking equipment you need in lacrosse, then in baseball you need like a crapload of stuff and a special patch of grass to play on, ridicolous.
6. (Bonus) My initials are the same as a certain video game name acronym, I'll let ya'll figure out which one.
Check the blog under this one to see whom I've tagged.
Well drop a comment in the box and a bill in my hand. (no more coins :P )