If all PC games were free then we wouldn't have to worry about DRM and piracy, problem solved! same thing with food, if food was free, then we wouldn't have world hunger. This can be applied to medicine and health care as well. Damn, I am on a roll.
I've toyed around with enough iPhones to safely say that I personally have not found anything worthwhile to play on it, I just still don't see it as a gaming platform. But Heroes and Villians may change that, I hope Infinite Ammo brings it to another platform as well.
No thanks Readen Labs, I would much rather prefer to have a physical copy in my hands able to play it whenever I feel like it. What if there's maintenance? no internet connection? or any other issue with the internet? then you're gaming sessions are screwed. I'll stick with my digital copies and discs, forever. Also, I don't really care if I will be able to run Crysis 2 in 1080p on my dinky macbook, I don't care about HD crap and playing a game over a connection like that is just going to feel weird. Your inputs go to their computer, then the video/audio comes back to you... I don't know, that to me just doesn't feel right.
Duchamp's ready-made is somewhat out-of-place. GS, it was a dadaist piece, fact: all dadaists were bats*** insane and definitely smoked some crazy illegal herbs. Granted the urinal challenged arts definition, but comparing it to the way video-games challenge art definitions doesn't really fit. Anyways, good article, I like things like this, keep 'em coming! I wouldn't mind a 'Artistic Differences Redux'.
Nice list GS, some real scary games here. I thought Portal was really scary, Gladys freaked me out. And those turrets were mean to me. Don't even get me started on the companion cube, oh gawd, that was disturbing. You guy's remember test chamber 14? oh man I have nightmares still. Portal scariness > all games on this list... :P
well the ps3 is just a little bit more washed out and the 360 has more contrast. but some games aren't exactly fair like burnout paradise, this was originally only on the ps3, so its going to look better naturally, but then again R6V2 was only on 360 then ported to ps3. but still very minor differences between both consoles.
all 3 dont look extremely different, the hacked very high quality and vista very high quality have some very subtle changes, but the normal high quality is noticebly different. i still think it looks fantastic even on low XD
grafkhun's comments