A Few Thoughts On My Way To The Sandman
by grailwolf on Comments
And, as much as it pains me to retire that banner, my moment of werewolfery is over. I've still got the guide (though no banner on it yet, Snide hint, hint) so check it out from the link on my sidebar. If I ever hear of an official DVD release I'll be the one shouting it from the rooftops. If anyone happens to mourn the passing of the old banner, or didn't get to see it, it's here for posterity. :D Today was a change of pace, as S'Gypsy had to go in for surgery so we spent all day in the hospital. It was a relatively minor surgery (as being cut open goes) to correct some female troubles and it seemed to go pretty well. However, just being in the hospital that long is incredibly taxing. My theory is that we are all creatures of both matter and energy. When we are sick or wounded (and surgery is just a wound as far as the body can tell) much of the energy part of the equation is used to speed healing. When folks who are at full energy walk in, our energy spreads out among those who need it. It's like water finding its level. That would explain why we feel drained and tired after visiting a sick friend and they feel energized. Anyway, S'Gypsy is now resting more or less comfortably (it was outpatient, so she's here at home) and I'm trying my best to take good care of her. For those who noticed, that's why I really wasn't around today. For those who didn't notice... why are you reading my blog again? Oh yeah, because I'm on the front page again! Very odd, but I'm not complaining. My 15 minutes will be a full hour and a half if this keeps up. Also, as much as I loved being a Crazy Neighbor, I am just loving being a Land Shark. That was one of my favorite SNL bits back in the day and I'm just tickled. Does this mean I get to knock on random doors and say, "Candy-gram"? G'night all. Hurdy gur, -Marc