It doesn't actually begin until sundown, 10/31, but I'm going to jump the gun and wish everyone a happy Samhain (pronounced, roughly, "sow-en").
Still trying to work up a Halloween/Samhain podcast episode, but I'm totally stuck for a topic. And since tonight will be decorating, answering the doorbell, then going to a friend's house, I don't think I'll be able to record tonight at any rate. So if you have any ideas, lay 'em on me!
Given the increased modern exposure of Wicca and the easy availability of Google, do you think there would be any value in doing a show about the Wiccan belief and the origin of the holiday? Maybe just a discussion of what's coming up in horror? What would you want to hear?
Anyway, however you celebrate the holiday, I hope you have a great one. May you have ghoulies, ghosties, long leggedy beasties, and candy corn. 'Cause it's justnot Halloween without candy corn. ;)
Hurdy gur,