I Aim to Misbehave
by grailwolf on Comments
Today is the day. Today merchants all over the country opened boxes full of shiny new copies of Serenity on DVD and they're just waiting for us loyal Browncoats to snap them up. If you are a fan of the show Firefly then I urge you to go pick up this DVD (or, more accurately, as many copies of it as you can manage... they make a great Holiday gift!). Same recommendation still stand if you are a fan of Sci-Fi in general and have never heard of Firefly. In fact, even if you hate sci-fi but are a fan of good storytelling, I would still urge you to check out this movie. This film should never have been made. When a series fails on network TV, that series simply does not get a multi-million dollar budget to create a feature film. With the original cast, no less! Every odd was stacked against this film and this is its final chance. Every purchase of a DVD of Serenity is a vote telling the producers of entertainment in this country that we are sick of the same old pre-packaged, recycled pablum. We want good storytelling and memorable characters, and our money will go to the studios who give us what we want. Heck, dont' stop there. Write to Universal and tell them how much you like the film and how much you want to see a sequel. Tell them that you want to buy Serenity merchandise, what kind of stuff and how much you would be willing to pay. Tell them that you are willing to open your wallet for quality entertainment. Or, you can follow the example set by some local Browncoats. Here in the DC area, lovers of the film and the series spoke to the propietors of the Arlington Cinema 'N' Draft House and convinced them to hold a special showing of the Big Damn Movie on Saturday at 4:30. It was only advertised on Craig's list, but the place was ruttin' packed. We had sort of our own private convention/shindig, and it was a blast! But no matter how much or how little you can do, get out there and stand up for quality storytelling. If our future is full of nothing but sequels to Doom, 3 Ninjas, and From Justin to Kelly, then we have only ourselves to blame. Hurdy gur, -Marc UPDATE: I had to skip lunch, but I am now the proud owner of my very own copy of Serenity. Hunger is a small, small price to pay. :D