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I'm All Famous & Stuff! (Tales of the Voicemail)

Well, okay maybe not "famous" but I had a voicemail played over at the Slice of SciFi podcast.  If you listen to the 'cast, it's the voicemail show for show #75 and it's available at their site  In case you're not familiar with their format, they have an episode each week and then the next week they have a voicemail episode for last week's show.  In other words, they'll have show 75 one week, then next week they'll have Voicemail Show #75 and then show #76.

My voicemail is the next to last one they played, and honestly... not my best work.  It let me know that I shouldn't call a voicemail line first thing in the morning before I've had my coffee. :)

This made me think, though, about my podcast and my voicemail line.  We have so far only had one real submission to the voicemail (TJ, sending in a kick-buttock review that I'll be playing in the next episode).  This makes me think that people may not know what to do with a voicemail line, so I thought I'd talk about it for a sec.

Voicemail is a great way to turn the podcast monologue into a dialog.  If you have any comments about anything I say (agree, disagree, think I should stop eating the purple mushrooms, whatever) then just call in and leave a brief message.  I'll play the sound file on the podcast, and respond to your response (if appropriate) but at the very least, you'll get to have your say.

I'd also like to come up with some cool segments that will revolve around listener feedback, but I've really been creatively blocked on that.  Some examples of stuff that's already been done on other podcasts: Stolen Rap & Hip-Hop lyrics (callers recite lyrics like poetry, and it's often pretty funny), Dumb *** Memories (callers recount an event of... poor judgement from their past), Sci-Fi Haiku Moment (callers leave a haiku on a sci-fi theme, usually in a fake "Mr. Miyagi" voice), Sci Fi Poetry Slam (same idea, but any kind of poetry).

So, what kind of thing would be fun for you guys to take part in for Grailwolf's Geek Life?  I know we have some creative folks listening, and I'd love to showcase that.  Let's brainstorm!

Meanwhile, keep the reviews and such coming.  Just try to keep voicemails fairly short (like, maybe, 30 seconds to 1.5 minutes, for most things) so the show doesn't start bloating too much.  The voicemail number, in case you don't recall, is 206-222-HOWL (206-222-4695).  And if you call from work, it's free. :D

No, don't do that.  I'd hate to get anyone fired.  But by now most of us either have cell phones or are often around people who do, so long distance isn't nearly as much of a factor as it used to be.

Anyway, let me know what you're thinking!  Help shape the future of the GGL! :D

Hurdy gur,
