A New Season Dawns
(As always, you can find the audio file for this episode at grailwolf.com. You can either download the audio directly, or subscribe through iTunes or your favorite podcatcher. )
Welcome back again, wolfpack! This is the introduction to the second season of Grailwolf's Geek Life. Primarily this episode is just an explanation of how things are going to work for the next couple weeks.
The new TV season starts on Monday, 09/24, and we'll be producing a whole string of mini-episodes to discuss all the new genre programming. Keep an eye out for those starting in the next couple days.
- Serenity (Collector's Edition)
at Amazon.com
- Promo for Brave Men Run by Matthew Wayne Selznick (available at bravemenrun.com and podiobooks.com)
- Send in questions for "Correct Me If I'm Wrong" to heather.welliver at gmail, the grailwolf at gmail, or the howl line (206-222-HOWL)
Hurdy gur,