I rekon the game was bloody awesome, i was abit hectic about how the game was made into 3rd person, but it controlled really smoothly, similar to that of call of duty 4 and 5, the movement was silky smooth and i really enjoyed aiming. The destruction was mindlessly fun, i was having a blast holding an axe and smashing it through buildings and walls. The game is not aiming for a total realistic gameplay so im not really fussy about being able to smash through things with such ease. I've been a huge red faction fan since the first one and if they bring back the railgun.....its a day one purchase for me, but if they dont have the railgun.....then i guess its a day two purchase for me
grandia15's forum posts
lol i agree, uncharted is better then dead space in my opinion, the story line was amazing, dead space is good also but in a different approach, If i had 50 bucks and I could only buy one of the 2, i would buy uncharted first then dead space second. Uncharted had horror/humerous/adventure/good characters, its just a nice package to be honest.
Well i've clocked both heavenly sword and uncharted.....and i have to admit.....if i were in ur shoes...i'll definitely get uncharted drakes fortune. When i first purchased heavenly sword i clocked it within the afternoon.....and the game was far too repetitive....playing it was frustrating at times because enemies would block heaps of your attacks...the game revolves around u dodging enemy attacks and counter attacking....if u attack head on then it would be a bit harder....and the final boss in this game was a pain in the rear......cause he just blocks and blocks and getting a combo on him was hard as....but.....after a gruesome 15 minutes of trying to nail the boss....i finally did it....and the next day....i returned heavenly sword to EBGAMES and exchanged it for warhawk. So in my opinion......rent heavenly sword....u'll clock it within a day...or 2 max.
Now with Uncharted drakes........this game is definitely a game to remember......i mean.....when i purchased the game...it was on sale....i didnt buy it on launch date like i did with heavenly sword........the game was on sale...which was why i purchased it....but if i knew how good the game was....i would've purchased it full price when it just came out. The game is very similar to Prince of Persia........puzzle and adventure wise....but action wise....the game is a 3rd person shooter....so its a great combination. The humor in this game is pretty good....the game is more a movie.....and a good one at that. It took me around about 8 hours to clock...but after clocking it.......replaying it on harder difficulties was fun. The game had its hard moments.....but its nothing frustrating...its just the fact that i was careless and ran into enemy fire. Uncharted drakes is definitely a game worthy in your game collection....so thats why i recommend u purchasing this game rather heavenly sword........its got story.....action......romance.....tragedy......suspense......horror....its got the whole thing on a tiny blu ray disk! I dont wanna spoil anything for u......just purchase the game....u wont regret it!
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