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Spring Break


its finally here and boy i was excited thursday. Anybody who saw me coming outta school knew i was hyped lol. My friend koop was once again speeding out of the school parking lot, but with me hanging out of the window while flashing my chest. YEP! thats how i expected most of my spring break to be, but it turns out differently. Last night we get about 8 in. of snow! Not only am i pissed, but left shocked, because there isnt much i can do or drive to do........except play video games baby!!! hell yeah.

So far i havent even taken a shower today, but i played a little Orange Box where i didnt beat Half-Life 2, and i was trying the new halo 3 playlist Team Swat. Definitely one of my favs from halo 2, its still really good, but a little different in halo 3. Now you got bubble shields and **** blah. So now im just sitting around thinkin wut to do today, and now im thinkin about going to rent a game, because there have been some really good games gettin released in the last month. I already got Super smash, but does anyone got any suggestions?? I think im gonna go rent Rainbow Six Vegas 2, because everyone already has it, and Army of Two. Ya i guess you'll catch me on XBL. Grandma11 OUT

Rhythm game calibration

Rhythm games have really taken the gaming market in the last couple years. Most importantly the Guitar Hero franchise which has families going crazy for the wicked instrument. Rock Band being my favorite of the new rhythm generation, has been the source of fun for me and my friends for countless weekends. The thing about the game is its all about cooperation, and agreement. Well what happens when you and your friends can't agree about the calibration of the game? It drives me crazy!

Recently while at my friends house we were playing rock band together and while we weren't doing bad, one of my friends kept on failing. It got so bad to the point where he wanted to try a song all by himself just to test the game out. Well he continued to fail, and you know the average person would just complain out about "its the games fault". WELL he took about 15 minutes just to change the calibration to where he wanted it. A COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME, because we all knew we were playing on a LCD TV and there is a setup specifically for that type of TV. My advice for him was just to get better at the damn game, but he protested it was the game's fault and he could've beat it at his house just fine. Well there's one problem......WE'RE NOT AT YOUR HOUSE ARE WE! LIKE SERIOUSLY! GET BETTER AT THE **** GAME! If everyone else was able to beat the song just fine wuts your problem? Like these games are meant to take skill, and be kinda challenging. So when you fail, IT IS NEVER THE GAME'S FAULT. btw this isnt the first time this has happened to me, because i've had friend's over who complain "I can play the instrument in real life, this game is just retarded." Maybe these people should just keep their opinions to themselves and I wont have a reason to get pissed at them.....

sorry wes lol

Nintendo Wii

Making one last push for the Wii, i decided to stand outside my local walmart, because I knew they had 29 ready for this morning. I woke up at 3:00 a.m. (remember i have to be at school by 7:20) and got to walmart at 3:45. I looked ahead of me in the line and didnt count, because that depresses me, but I estimated i was within the top 30 people. Liking my chances, I stood outside Walmart from 3:45 till 5:00, when they hand out tickets. I listened to the new Hotspot, and tried to drown out the sound of fellow wii waiters. At 5 they started handing out tickets as planned, and as the line slowly dissolved in front of me i was getting step by step closer to MY WII. Thats when the last ticket was handed to the person in front of me. I got sooooo depressed because I was #30 and they had exactly 29 Wii's. Thats when I started to reflect and think I really dont want 1 anymore. BUT WHY DID I HAVE TO BE # 30!!!

Why are Video Games soo Fun?

In my 9th year of playing video games it has come apparent to me that this is my life. Everywhere i go if there is a video game i am naturally attracted to it and i am also in the know how. anybody at school can ask me the launch dates of game and I KNOW IT. (its not that hard all games come out on Nov. 7th duhh) I have no problem with being called a nerd for this and it causes the question: do i live in a town of hicks?? Everyone is talking about our 9-0 football team, chicks, and senior pranks, but i got video games on my mind. So let me take a moment to show why i love video games

Burnout: The turn-around series of the century which features great online play and CRASHES

Madden: Everyone around F-Town luves madden, but cant they see your paying $50-$60 for the same game every year! on the other hand the games are consistent and have good graphics

Rare: a creative studio of great developers with great British accents (I love most of their games except for ones with pinatas)

Fire Emblem: Great RPG that people make fun of me for when i got a hand-held that i enjoy as much as my 360. the size doesnt matter, or does it.

PGR: I love racing games and this is by far one of the tops. It has solid graphics and they dont rush the sequels

Super Smash Bros.: Fun fighting series that you could spend a whole night playing with 3 other friends and beating on pikachu's ass

Guitar Hero: just dont compare it with DDR please!! its a better game soo dont compare it. just look at the controller for it

Tekken: Fighting games are not for SISSYs. Namco fighting games are my fav. I also enjoy Soul Calibur

Resident Evil 4: Mayb best game ever made, gotta love the feel of head shots to a zombie. or the scary feeling of being trapped

Tom Clancy Series: I have never played a Splinter Cell or Ghost Recon game in my life, so i have no idea how good they are. people say im crazy for never playing them, but i just dont find them intruging enough. Don't get me wrong they are probably awesome games

Mario Kart: Simple racing game the whole family can enjoy. You dont need to know how to powerslide to be good at it. and who doesnt like the notorious red shell

this is a wide variety of games and i like them all, but i have yet to find somebody with all the exact same interests. Only if gamers were more open minded

Summer Drought of Games 3: I can't wait for Madden

I really have nothing to write in my 3rd edition of this horrible summer, because I'm out of games! LOTR was a waste i never wanna play it again for reasons unsaid. I finally got my PS2 back which is nice, because i really havent used it since i got it. This is a brand new one and i needed it to play future releases. My old one didn't play titles such as Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition Remix or God of War, so i needed it. (Now im set 4 Guitar Hero II and God of War II) Me and my friend picked up his 360 the other day at like 5:00. We bought it from this super creepy guy and bestbuy who tried to sell us all this **** when we already knew what we wanted to get. He got Halo 2 and Call of Duty 2, even when i suggested different games for him, but hes so hooked on halo it won't matter. We also saw Dead Rising on its launch day, which he was considering getting, but didn't. (There were over 30 copies!) It turns out the 360 was defective and we returned it, but not till 9:00, because he had errands to run. "Geek Squad" found the problem (didnt tell us what it was) and gave us a new one saying ours was the 5th returned one that day! Dead Rising also had sold out! So we went to the Ghetto Wal-Mart and the lady pestered us to see if we were 17 and then we gave the poor kids some nickels and left. So im going to his house everyday to play Dead Rising now untill Madden comes out. You know i never thought i'd say this, but "I can't wait for Madden"

Summer Drought of Games 2

It has been a couple long, hard of weeks since my last post. My summer is slowly starting to get more boring. I completed New Super Mario Bros. and I'm not planning on going back to unlock worlds 4 & 7, for the fear I will get another Game Over. I forgot to mention that i beat God of War (via my friend) in the 1st week of summer. Now I'm considering buying it for myself, so i can beat the game on God difficulty. I have about $35 that I wanna put towards video games in this period, but I'm still undecided on what. The Arcade Wednesdays for Xbox Live have got me excited and I'm planning on buying Galaga and Street Fighter II. Then again I could spend my mulah on God of War or save up for LOTR BFME II, which all of my Xbox friends already have (4-way). There was a gaming Tournament for Halo we were striving for on Sunday July 16th, but it was cancelled, because no one was gonna show up. Who could blame them. Summer is changing me into a monster who needs a game! I'm sure by the time your all done reading this I will have a new game in my hands and WILL BE ABSOLUTELY BORED WITH IT!! Peace out.

Summer Drought of games

I've survived 3 weeks of summer already. Unbelievably only playing 360 games. The Achievment race with Darkside is still deathly sickening. We are separated by about 300 points and he is crushing me on Oblivion. Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion and Rockstar: Table Tennis are my saviors for gaming and achievments, but to tell the truth I'm starting to get bored, so the other day i spent a whole paycheck on a DS Lite. I am absolutely loving the thing. I got New Super Mario Bros. and have stole some of my brother's DS games (Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time). This week I'm going camping with my friend and it should be a good escape from the tortures of gaming and time for me to get some fun out of my DS Lite.