its finally here and boy i was excited thursday. Anybody who saw me coming outta school knew i was hyped lol. My friend koop was once again speeding out of the school parking lot, but with me hanging out of the window while flashing my chest. YEP! thats how i expected most of my spring break to be, but it turns out differently. Last night we get about 8 in. of snow! Not only am i pissed, but left shocked, because there isnt much i can do or drive to do........except play video games baby!!! hell yeah.
So far i havent even taken a shower today, but i played a little Orange Box where i didnt beat Half-Life 2, and i was trying the new halo 3 playlist Team Swat. Definitely one of my favs from halo 2, its still really good, but a little different in halo 3. Now you got bubble shields and **** blah. So now im just sitting around thinkin wut to do today, and now im thinkin about going to rent a game, because there have been some really good games gettin released in the last month. I already got Super smash, but does anyone got any suggestions?? I think im gonna go rent Rainbow Six Vegas 2, because everyone already has it, and Army of Two. Ya i guess you'll catch me on XBL. Grandma11 OUT
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