I recently obtained a copy of Soldiers of Anarchy, a game I have been wanting to try out for quite some time. Well I did come as far as reading the introductory story in the manual, but since then it has pretty much been lying around gathering dust and biding its time. Last Sunday I got the brilliant idea it would be the perfect companion on my next biztrip, so the last thing I threw into my bag on early Monday morning was the CD and then I was good to go. Imagine then my disappointment when at day's end I was getting myself set up at the hotel, only to get a glaring "cd key required message" in my face. So much for improvised gaming...
In the end I decided to vent my frustration by finding a CoD UO server running Cassino, only to get beaten up repeatedly at the spawning point. And most annoying of all, meanwhile Kunta Kinte is being flogged on the TV screen to remind me that I am having the best days of my life.