Been spending a few evenings with Emergency Fire Response (or "Fire Chief" as it is known over here) now and in spite of the clunky interface I find it very satisfying. Slick presentation and clever puzzles that bring "Emergency" to shame. Ten missions of which one is a simple tutorial is a bit on the short side of things though, but it was fun for as long as it lasted.
The never ending biz trips are well suited for late night gaming, and recently I started dragging a laptop around to kill some time with Call of Duty United Offensive, and it has proven quite entertaining. This week it finally seems that I am actually starting to survive a bit longer on the battlefield (StarCraft's 9 second marine lifetime expectancy has been a good motto), soon I might even rack up as many kills as deaths, but for now I am still clan fodder and my continued efforts at a particular server have earned me a suicide trophy award...