Ever since my 1571 floppy drive bought the farm my trusty C128 has been relegated to basement storage for almost a decade now, waiting for the day she will make her return. Provided that is, I remember how to switch her on.
Meanwhile, I have eased my own consciousness by not getting out of touch with the marvellous C64 gaming world. Through the years I've been running a number of different emulators, currently sticking with C64S on my old PII 350 running W98 and it works like a charm. Every now and then I go for a session, usually late at night just as I am about to hit the sack.
Be as it may that mashing a keyboard instead of a worn out TAC-2 controller is not optimal, neither the fact that my reflexes have grown stale, and let's not even try to remember the wave patterns of thirty levels of shooter enemies. Still, a lot of fun can be had, moments like these sometimes suck me in completely and I can remember just what it was that was so entertaining about computer gaming.