grantcorp / Member

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"With 128 kb of RAM it comes well prepared for future requirements"

Ever since my 1571 floppy drive bought the farm my trusty C128 has been relegated to basement storage for almost a decade now, waiting for the day she will make her return. Provided that is, I remember how to switch her on.

Meanwhile, I have eased my own consciousness by not getting out of touch with the marvellous C64 gaming world. Through the years I've been running a number of different emulators, currently sticking with C64S on my old PII 350 running W98 and it works like a charm. Every now and then I go for a session, usually late at night just as I am about to hit the sack.

Be as it may that mashing a keyboard instead of a worn out TAC-2 controller is not optimal, neither the fact that my reflexes have grown stale, and let's not even try to remember the wave patterns of thirty levels of shooter enemies. Still, a lot of fun can be had, moments like these sometimes suck me in completely and I can remember just what it was that was so entertaining about computer gaming.