1. Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS) - If I have to bring one game to a deserted island with me, it might as well be one that would make me feel less lonely and wouldn't make searching for fruit seem like such a horrible task. Also, you can make messages in bottles in that game. 2. The Sims 2 (PC) - Not being able to live a real life anymore, I'd really like to remind myself how great it is when guests used to visit my home and I'd become frustrated because the toilet was blocked off and I'd urinate in front of all my guests and then tickle girls. 3. Return Fire (3DO) - This would remind me of my wasted youth spent in front of a 3DO I rented from the local videogame store, spending hot summer days couped up inside sitting feet away from a sceen filled with poorly rendered tanks and laughing skulls. Also, I'd get to hear flight of the bumblebees a lot. If I couldn't get this, then Sim City 2000, Heroes of Might and Magic 2, or Civilization 4 would be fine substitutions. 4. Nintendogs (DS) - Maybe in my famished and parched state I really would grow some affection towards my virtual pup. 5. Guitar Hero (PS2) - Just because I'm on a deserted island doesn't mean I can't rock.
Ron Gilbert is one of the most underappreciated game designers in history. Maniac Mansion and the first Monkey Island are two of the most joyful games ever made. This is one of the best features this site has ever done. Great job guys! Greg is the only game critic who is able to make Velvet Undergroud trivia questions AND he knows about film.
Matt, take on Thunderbird from Zelda 2 (the boss before Dark Link) and either Cowboys from Hell or Bark at the Moon on expert in Guitar Hero, certainly the bosses of that game. I think I'd be most impressed if you took on the boss of bosses, Jaws on the NES.
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