gravemind456's forum posts
If anyone who voted Tifa has actually seen advent children then you would see that it is obviously Aeris.
Unfortunatly she loves Zack. Tifa however does love Cloud but its a bit obvious he doesnt love her... in that way anyway.
FFX was pretty easy. X-2 just wanst good enough to qualify I think but that was easy. FFVII was easy in some ways like it was easy to advance in the game but everything took time.
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
FF4, FF7, FF8 and FF10 they were all amazing in seperate ways. I put them in chronological order but in fav order it goes: FF7, FF10, FF8, FF4
Shiva in all of them and Bahamut zero in FFVII ownage from space!!!
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
It would have to be... Cloud (obviously), Yuna and Squall.
What can I say, Omnislash, summons and a gunblade. The enemies would fall like dominos.
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