I apologize for the lack of any weekend updates. I get pretty lazy over the weekends. Anyway, I finally got around to playing Tales of Symphonia for the Gamecube for real on Saturday. I had fooled around with it a few times but finally decided enough was enough, took off the kids gloves, and came out swinging, so to speak. I logged in over six hours most of which was spent battling enemies on the hard difficulty so I could get Lloyd's Berserker title. After accomplishing that mission, I then proceeded in the story up to the point in Triet where you view some events in the town inn after beating the military base boss. Other than that this weekend has been pretty quiet, although it most certainly wasn't for the people in Florida who were hit with a hurricane this weekend. My thoughts are with them, or you if you're one of the victims, and the people in Russia whose lives were changed because of the events that occurred during the hostage situation at a school there, not to mention the U.S. soldiers overseas and the families of the soldiers who have been killed in combat or bombings. May you find the strength you need to recover from your losses. Well that's about it for this entry. I'll try to get on-line tomorrow to update my Journal.
Until next time,