No, xbox 360 as I say its the best system on the gaming consoles, the most of the people who think the xbox 360 is bad are those ones who own a PS3 little children that prefer the wii.
I also was one of the first ones to obtain a 360 am very good with it, it hasnt too much errors (at leats mine) and even tough i bought it to play halo 3 I also play lots of another games just as halo wars, ace combat, banjo kazooie, forza, project gotham racing, and some other i cant remember of.
To those ones who think the 360 is bad, first buy it and then you can say if its bad or not, a friend of mine bought one and now he thinks it rules
The xbox 360 is the better thing that exists on the world surface then its me and then the METAL music.
The xbox 360 is better of what i am? WTF
BTW i dont have any rates of hardware problems but i can assure you that the xbox 360 has a lot more of problems than the PS3 especially for the overcharge or overheat problems (xbox 360 only has 2 fans while i remember the PS3 has 4 or 6)
If you DO mean what you're saying, then you definitely never played the PSX nor the SNES on their days of glory, none of the consoles these days compare to those 2.
Back on topic, i loved my time playing the 360, bought it in 2006 along with Oblivion and had a blast for nearly 2 years, except for 2 problems in february of 2007, the 360 for some reason ruined my Saints Row and Lost Planet discs, didnt scratch them, didnt break them, was just like POOF! "these discs shall never work again!!", tried with other 360s but stil gave me the "clean disc with a soft cloth" error, and i know it was my console that did it because im always careful with my games, dont move the console while its working, nothing.
Then gave me the red ring a day after chrismas, send it for repair, got it back 2 weeks later, lasted 2 or 3 months then again, red ring, send it back, when i received it i unpacked it right away, started playing Ninja Gaiden Black and noticed a weird sound coming from the console, like overheating, turned it off, 2 hours later decided to try again and BAM! red ring, the same day i received it, sent it back for the 3rd time, and when i got it back, it worked just fine for more than a year.
Until last month, received the E74 error or something like that, called Xbox customer service, all the process was going just fine, and suddenly the guy on the phone tells me that there was a violation of the guarantee on the last 360 i sent for repair, therefore they canceled my guarantee and practically asked me to **** myself.
I have to say that most of the fun i had with my 360 came from multiplatform games, Oblivion, CoD4, Saints Row, The Orange Box, although there were others, like GoW which i played for more than a year and a half, Halo 3, geometry wars and a lot of XBLA games, was it worth it for a system that would fail at the end? yes, though i'll definitely never get a Microsoft system ever again, the hardware itself is crap.
Saving up for a PS3 at the moment.
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