ok i agree with what you all are saying on a business perspective, but if i was a CEO of a new game company or w/e and had the money to do so even though i would be loosing some money out of the total profits originally but i would be making more in the long run because you would be getting more bang and quality for your buck, so any smart consumer would pick my game over someone with a shorter exprience
so in the longrun I may be loosing more money from jump but at the end i would make more money, if my logic isn't wrong
also 2 dvds shouldn't cost that much on top of that

was 4 Discs and i believe it still cost $60 from launch
so in short i think it would be doable and a smart thing to do for some small time company that is trying to become a big name to focus all their attention in one game get a full fleshed game out for example a single player with oblivion quality and a mutiplayer with Gears or COD4 quality
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