@Shmiity: Yes, I agree but what I say is that, if Souls were never created with slow combat, stamina and only a couple of moves then nobody would ever start arguing with me that those games have stamina, slow combat etc. because they would never have been created the way that everybody knows now. This is what I say, but now thanks to From Software they kind of ruined Action RPG combat that have character customization instead of those hack and slash games that the only RPG element they have is a leveling system, because now everybody must copy this stupid mechanic and if somebody like me for example says something different, then everybody will happily disagree with me because the never experienced Souls in the way that I propose, that is why everybody feels it would be wrong. It is like I am proposing what if Ferrari was a motorcycle instead of a car, of course everybody would argue with me, because thinking Ferrari being a motorcycle just feels wrong and off, but if Ferrari was never a car, but a motorcycle then nobody would argue with me by saying "No, Ferrari is a car because it is created that way for [insert any reason here]" because nobody would know Ferrari as a car but as a motorcycle, did you understand what I am saying? If yes then I believe it doesn't need any further explanation.
greekwarrior46's forum posts
@RSM-HQ: OK, it may not see like it based on my replies, but I am one of those persons who tries to see both sides of the same coin instead of just focusing on one side, or I try at least. Anyway, you said that with the no stamina mod the game was so easy that you could even do a no hit run, I agree because the whole game is created around on the stamina mechanic, as a result if you remove it the whole mechanic falls apart, right? That is exactly the reason I said what if the game mechanic wasn't made around stamina and slow combat, not just remove the stamina like you said, if you remove it you must balance the whole game from the start, this is what I propose, what if the game had been made differently. As for the easy mode, speedrun, infinite roll, run and block you mention it is simple: you can put stamina only in running so the player won't run all the time (something that I am against, because if the enemies are balanced around the fact that you can run all the time, you can make them faster, more aggressive, put more enemies etc. something that will balance it). For the infinite block, you can put a stamina meter only for blocking, so that you won't block for all eternity, as for rolling, it is easy enough, your player can't roll all the time like a bonewheel skeleton, when he rolls one time, he must wait around 0.7-1 seconds in order to roll again, so we can prevent him from infinite rolling like a mindless idiot instead of playing carefully.
@RSM-HQ: If Dark Souls had no stamina meter, it would be a very different experience. Tactics thrown out the window. From Software would completely redesign the game from scratch to match no stamina
Ok, I know what you mean, but for that sole reason I suggested at least 3 different approaches to balance the game without stamina, many games are played without stamina does that make them to throw their tactics out of the window? The retaliation mechanic that I said would work much more effectively if you think about it. Even without stamina, the game still feels dangerous and reminds you that you are a simple human, something that I love in this game, when you see a giant in other games he may look intimidating but usually he is weak and easy to kill, in Dark Souls like reality, when you see a giant you are going to shit your pants and run away because he is exactly what a giant should be: big, slow, intimidating and dangerous. If the game had the retaliatilon mechanic yes, you wouldn't worry about your stamina but still the game would be hard and balanced around this mechanic and staggering, even fighting multiple enemies would be very difficult because they would be also fast, powerful and dangerous. As a result, you would still need to approach each situation based on what and where you are fighting, you just wouldn't worry that your battle hardened warrior would get exhausted by 2 swings, but when you fight and your enemy recovers in the middle of your attack because you are a spammer you will die if you are careless.
@RSM-HQ: Yeah, I know what you mean because everyone says almost the same think, what I try to say is imagine if the game didn't exist like this, that it didn't have stamina and slow combat and only a couple of moves ok? Now, imagine how would the game be without stamina, slow combat and had more moves instead of being what it is, if you got that, then the game would never exist like this and nobody would know Dark Souls as a slow, stamina based and few moves Action RPG, as a result, nobody would say "but this game is made to be like this" and all that. Now, try to compare those 2 versions I am talking about, and tell me what game version would be better, I know that it is difficult to imagine it any other way, because when we experience something from a certain point of view, then if we compare it from another point it just feels wrong and off, because it is different from what we originally experienced, but at least give it a try in order to understand what I am talking about.
@clefdefa: In the beginning I said imagine that we live in alternative timeline where Dark Souls didn't have stamina, slow combat and the same 3-4 moves for the entire game right? Now, if Dark Souls was like this and I would propose the exact opposite of what it was, like that the game should have stamina and slow combat and less moves, then everybody would argue with me because the game wouldn't have those things, and everybody would say stuff like "the game is made to have fast combat, no stamina and more moves for [insert any reason here]". Now, because the game is made with stamina and slow combat and only a couple of moves and I propose something different, then everybody protects it like is a religion or something, with the excuse that the game is made this way for [insert reason here]. That is why I said imagine if Dark Souls would be different, imagine if the game had those things that I said and playing the game, wouldn't the game be better? This is what am I asking.
@sakaixx: No offense but, didn't you read anything I wrote? Stamina is a lazy and stupid way to prevent spamming, fighting games don't have stamina and spamming is useless in better AI and players, in games like DMC and Ninja Gaiden, having multiple enemies and enemies that don't stagger prevents spamming, if nothing that I said makes sense to you then make the retaliation mechanic, which means every hit fills an invisible gauge to your enemy, when it gets full the enemy retaliates by attacking, blocking, evading you name it. How is stamina more convenient than any of my suggestions than being a lazy development option and an annoying addition to the game?
Wouldn't be better if Souls games was created without stamina, faster combat and didn't have the same 3-4 moves for the entire game? (Please read the rest for full explanation before answering)
For those who will say that the game is meant to be played or created that way, just imagine that we live in an alternate timeline where the game have been created with faster combat, without stamina and more moves. If you say that the stamina in the game is in order to prevent spamming R1 or attacking enemies to death, putting stamina in the game in my opinion is the most stupid and lazy move I saw in all of my gaming years, they make you weak, and with slow combat too, they nerf you to such a stupid point that it gets unfair and your character is becoming slow, clunky and unresponsive. Games like Devil May Cry and Ninja Gaiden don't have stamina and slow combat, but they are not button mashers, those games won't let you spam the same attack because you fight many enemies at once, as a result there will always be an enemy to hit you so you have to be careful all the time. In Dark Souls, even though the combat is more personal, because facing multiple enemies is a death wish, they could just make enemies more aggressive and dangerous, or put a retaliation mechanic, explanation: I know this mechanic from Kingdom Hearts, when you fight certain enemies every time you hit them, an invisible gauge is getting filled and depending on the kind of attack (weak attack, strong attack, magic attack...) the filling of the gauge will vary, when the gauge is full then the enemy will retaliate by attacking or blocking or avoiding the next attack, as a result you can't spam enemies to death and have to be careful. For slow combat, it is just stupid, yeah it is supposed to be strategic and methodical and all that, but putting slow combat just makes the game feel more boring and predictable and clunky, to the point that your character feels unresponsive, the game doesn't need super speed, Bloodborne is the perfect example for speed to the point that it feels realistic without being awkwardly fast and that your character feels responsive enough to your commands. As for the moves, I believe that I don't need to tell you that repetition is just boring, using the sword for example, having the combo left-right and up-down for the entire playthrough is just so boring and annoying, the game doesn't need to have a hundred moves like DMC, just 10-15 would be ideal I think and it would be better if you unlock those new moves while you progress, it would just feel more rewarding and less repetitive. So, in summary, stamina is stupid, why my battle hardened warrior trained to fight for hours is getting exhausted by 4 swings and by running only 10 seconds? Slow combat just feels wrong, Bloodborne had the perfect speed in my opinion. Put more moves, having 3-4 moves for the entire game is boring and repetitive. I love Dark Souls, it is my favorite game but by creating the stupid Soulslike genre now every idiot who creates Action RPG's with good combat must copy the slow combat with stamina and few moves that completely ruins a big part of the experience in my opinion, is it so hard to make a good Action RPG with good combat that doesn't have those stupid flaws? Please discuss it with me, tell me your opinion about this.
Hi guys, could you please recommend some fantasy games with character creation and flashy combat? I am searching but I cannot find games that have character creation and flashy combat altogether. A good example would be Black Desert Online, here is an example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGu3RAHFqHw
@lanternlumen: I have played Lineage II around 5 years ago for a while but I was at an internet cafe. I may try it again but is the game still alive today, or not?
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