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green_obsidian Blog


Whoa, i just realised ppl could comment on these blogs, damn small print sorry for ignoring you. :p

I got the job at an advertising company and turned it down within a week, so decisiveness isnt my strong point, i don't think zippy agreed with my decision as she died in their parking lot and wouldn't leave. so tomorrow im finalising my enlistment because i realised that what i really wanted was somthing more physical and dangerous than an office job. i blame video games, the job im going for is kind of sensitive but i have lingistic aptitude tests tomorrow, which should be okay as it was my major, unless i blank, this is something i do from time to time, hence the vacancy sign, but im not nervous, its just the rest of my life, no sweat huh?


Ps I passed!

finding a new job

I'm still not entirely sure what broke the camel's back, perhaps it was the screaming harpie, perhaps it was all the naked men, perhaps it was the constant stream of "hey did you know you look like Lindsey Lohan?" (fyi i dont agree) what ever it was i HAVE to leave my job. i work the graveyard shift at a fuel station its as glamorous as it sounds. i hate it, i spend my nights getting hit on by drunks which would be a compliment if they wernt drunk. So im looking for a new job, and since ive graduated i probably ought to move on, im trying, i have an interview tomorrow, wish me luck


i have a new car

It was my valentines gift to me, its my third car, my sister killed my first and my second was stolen, anyway im trying to come up with a name for her/it either zippy, which would be ironic more than anything or sneezy, which is a polite way of saying that when she's cold she coughs like someone with chronic bronchitis and shakes like one of those seedy vibrating beds you see in seedy motels on tv. but i like her anyway, im thinking of taking her on a tour of all the mazes in victoria, dont think she'll get much out of it but i will.



I've never blogged before, even when it was a classroom requirement, i couldnt see the point, really who'd be interested? In fact the reason i am now is that i have news and no one to tell it to. Thats not intirely true, i just dont speak with these people, my people. beacause they are all mamking with the relationship thing and thats not my thing, this difference in "things" is really driving a wedge into the friendships, therefore all the time i could be spending gagging at loved up couples is now spent gaming and or working to feed the vicious cycle. Anyway i said i have news and i do, i have graduated, done with school and uni forever, thing is i didnt know it until my university called me last night to ask why i had enrolled for the year, at first i thought 'but my grades have been good, give me another shot'. turns out i was finished, so now im confronted with feelings of nakedness and nothing to do. what ever will i do with all that time and money i now have? i suppose i COULD catch up with friends, call back the guys i never did and try dating again, and i will, later, maybe, but now, my xbox is calling me.
