I've never blogged before, even when it was a classroom requirement, i couldnt see the point, really who'd be interested? In fact the reason i am now is that i have news and no one to tell it to. Thats not intirely true, i just dont speak with these people, my people. beacause they are all mamking with the relationship thing and thats not my thing, this difference in "things" is really driving a wedge into the friendships, therefore all the time i could be spending gagging at loved up couples is now spent gaming and or working to feed the vicious cycle. Anyway i said i have news and i do, i have graduated, done with school and uni forever, thing is i didnt know it until my university called me last night to ask why i had enrolled for the year, at first i thought 'but my grades have been good, give me another shot'. turns out i was finished, so now im confronted with feelings of nakedness and nothing to do. what ever will i do with all that time and money i now have? i suppose i COULD catch up with friends, call back the guys i never did and try dating again, and i will, later, maybe, but now, my xbox is calling me.