Wow ... Practically agreed with all those choices aside from the exclusion of Red Dead. Also I was about to dismiss the entire video but then you put the MGS3 ending which nudges out Episode 2s ending for best ending in a game ever. Well done.
Your going a little off topic. I was asking specifically quotes from her which were attempting to create laws. She doesn't. She's just speaking about issues which need to be looked at, that's all.
Nonetheless I hope you get where I'm and her coming from, the points I've made. There is an issue with the way females are portrayed in mainstream games. Not all but there are many instances. It affects the greater society, imagine if every game had a female character that was
a low cut top,
legs showing,
cleavage showing, sex fiend,
loves making sandwiches
and can't drive.
That's a worst case scenario, something like that probably rarely happens but I'd assume you'd agree that would be a problem that if every female character in games was like that we'd have a major social issue? Well luckily its not like that today but in many circumstances their are variations and components taken which are taken implemented from the list I made above to female characters in games. That is still an issue.
I read an article on that referenced a research story about how the only people who gained self-esteem from watching television in America was straight, white males. People from others ethnic backgrounds and all girls had lower self-esteem after watching television. I'd presume the same might be said for games, if anything games are worse due to the gender imbalance that is greater in the gaming industry in regards to women.
Well firstly jgregor I'd like to ask for a specific quote that makes it seem like she is threatening to make the wider public look like "sexist pigs" please.
As for your second paragraph about "controlling human nature" I agree but in what instance is she trying to create "laws"? Specific quotes please.
Thirdly I tend to agree that parents should play a major part but sometimes parent's aren't around, sometimes they go to friends house, or they hide the games they play. In these instances its up to the developers/publishers to be socially responsible.
There is nothing wrong with sex in a game, movie, or book. A female character in a game showing skin isn't exactly wrong on its own so long as there is context. I'd like to see more people who don't just have overtly sexualized female characters to serve a young male audience.
Sometimes its shamelessly going for that like in Lollipop Chainsaw. Is it wrong, is it right? I dunno but I will play it but I would certainly never make a game like that. The thing is Lollipop Chainsaw is targeting a specific audience and many mainstream games are trying to targetr everyone whilst also have like I said ... have incredibly shallow female archetypes.
why do you think so many people log on and type "sigh.." or *rolls eyes* when they see this B$ being plastered here there and everywhere? because they're being harrassed at every turn by it and it's pi$$ing them off. they're reactions to all of this are proof i am correct.
No it isnt. Why do you think this lady's kickstarter got funded in only 1 day. If anything it's proof that your wrong. She has made $100,000 now and she only asked for 6K
I don't mind fantasy bro ... crazy devil monsters or locusts don't bother me. That is all in a fantasy/sci-fi setting. I know... I play games because they are an escape from reality, like buccomatic said. Unfortunately society has made it so that its ok to objectify women in videogame (and other mass media but less since there is a gender balance)
So many games unfortunately seep through into the mainstream and it's almost inevitable to pick up a game with a female character who is 2 dimensional and simply used as a sex object.
I've played the these games before, and they bother me a little but in the grand scheme of things its just a bad message for societies young boys and girls who play them. Young boys can become short sighted into the roles women should play, with heavy influence from videogames naturally and girls will be struggling to see role model female characters that don't show unnesscary skin or always act dumb.
Games are supposed to have sexism because they are an escape from reality? So I guess its equally ok for a game to be racist, for the developer to put in their own racist attitudes against other groups into their own game and its ok because its not "reality"?
McShea should have never taken the debate. It's not that McShea didn't have any valid concerns, they all are in many respects but perhaps he would have been better placed to experience the entire game first and see how emotionally impactful this game could be.
I'm sure it's true that he was only arguing the multi-player portion and I'm sure either the devs or PR at one point said this game is "realistic" and it's about "honoring your friends and the soldiers abroad". But McShea never really gave a good example on how he expected this online portion of the game to work. In all attempts it seems that the MoH guys are trying to communicate the bonding and emotional tolls of death whilst also trying to create a commercial product, which is fair, and that's in multiplayer I'm talking about. so there is the mode where it's one kill one death and there's the mode where you and your buddy's can play the unlimited lives mode of pure fun.
I don't 100% know how far this is going to stretch in the multi-player or the single-player because I've not played any of it and neither has Mr McShea and that's where his argument tends to falter, its the reason he lost this debate. He has admirable point's, and I too want that military shooter that can make me cry, so I do hope Mr McShea continues on the debate, it will make our medium only better for it. He just needs to picks his fight's a little better next time.
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