@MarcusVOG It is not about dantes new hair cut or his new style of smoking marijuana, nither about his arrogant attitude... The big problem here is : This is not Devil May Cry, this is not Dante the Son os Sparda, this is not de DMC paranomal investigation agency.... THIS IS A COMPLETE STUPID COPIE-PASTE GAME STYLE DIFERENT FROM THE REAL DEVIL MAY CRY. It only has the name in its title. It is not Devil May Cry and it will never be. It is just an aberration from NinjaGaytoradeTheory with the DevilMayCry's name......I F*CKING DAMN YOU TAMEEM ANTONIADES!!!Rest In Peace Dante.Rest In Peace VergilRest In Peace NeroRest In Peace SpardaRest In Peace TrishRest In Peace LadyRest In Peace LuciaRest In Peace Evony, Ibory, Rebellion, Yamato, Red Queenn, Edge of Force, Luce, Ombra....... T_T
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