Tried the demo this past week and man, was it little kid joyous in loading to screen...I jumped right into co-op and dang didn't I die as the big lug took a swing of his big hammer/axe! well, my partner sure wasn't too happy... It definitely makes you run more for your money, and the difficulty sure is more intense than I remember re4 to are fluid, some oddities here and there, like pressing x and then picking up stuff rather than wacking a guy, but yeah, capcom are going to bank in this quarter with re5 and sf 4...and good too.
Problems I forsee is that if you're way into a level and your partner decides to cut out, or gets lagged out, then all that you worked for, gone!. oh, no! unless there are checkpoints now, then all's good, I said nothing...also, if you offer to give your partner ammo it has to be all in one go, not 10 or 15 but if you've got 30, then there goes all your ammo! ugh! also, the thumpad is good for primary, secondary, medicine, but the right is for ammo? why? why not organize the inventory to your liking a la re4? nope, it does it for ya.
It's cool, you can order sheva to attack or cover, and you can even thank her! if she gives you something and you hold/press B. neat.
Anyway, I probably won't get this on release, I'll still be on Killzone 2, but sure enough come April or sometime then...I'm just as excited as everyone else, I'm sure. I just hope there are enough twists and levels as in RE4 where you thought you were about to finish the game, aw no, and then, blam, you're riding a mine car! press those buttons boy/girl, xy, lb rb on xbox, and you know what for, fun, fun....