Yes, the initial games seem lame and half-assed, but if it does recognize sign language and lips and possible eye movement, damn, for all the physically impaired players out there, whether on wheel chairs, down-syndrome, or what-have you, then WOW! finally!
Most say that Kinect was to rival the Wii, and now Move, but no, this could possibly be in a realm of its own; ie even out do the Wii and Move! Those games still interact and utilize motion and full body capability (or torso anyhow) but with Kinect, if, IF, it does live up to its claim, then the possibilities are in itself pretty endless. For hardcore gamers, coming to mean, give me the contoller in my hand, with buttons and sticks, then most current, and possible over-all, games for Kinect won't be enough, but for these other players, that have so far been left out, well, then for them this can be their way to socialize, meet new players, stimulate their inner adventure and just feel connected without the actual "physical" ability. Sign language can be used to talk and text to each other in maybe even controller games! Think it, if they can adapt the camera to read the body but still play the actual game, then deaf players can "hear" other players and talk to them as they play, either via parties or PSN Home-like text screens. Man, yes, this can definitely be the start to something beyong body-motiongaming!
Now I say for Microsoft to create capability to have picture within picture with Kinect, or better, half screen without being in the same room, and people can play, talk, see eachother and wow, yes, I am actually psyched for Kinect now, simply for these possible new players and gamers. So their games will, for the time being, be, well, mediocre, but given time, I can see Machinirum, Limbo, Braid, and such to come to Kinect. Why not! Microsoft needs to dig in a little, spend the money to bring these games to Kinect and yes, I can see Wii-like sales for Kinect by next year... Bring the games and quality and the gamers will follow -hardcore and casual, and possibly (fingers-crossed), physically impaired. Anyway, this is my optimist side coming out, and for them, well, I'll put my thoughts and risk ridicule...for they need something and Kinect can possibly be it.
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