I personally will probably NEVER buy a HDTV, sorry but a $2,000 TV just isn't worth it to me. I know, I'm "missing out" but I've seen it first hand from my friends, and it isn't THAT much of an improvement if you ask me, not for $2,000 + anyway. So I could really care less about "high-def" gaming. Doubted, eventually I will succom to buying a HDTV, but not in the forseeable future, that is unless they are willing to offer me a 40 + inch screen for under $1,300.
Wow, $499 to be exact? Someone has never heard of sales tax..wow. Unless you live in Delaware, you aren't very educated on how the economy works. And you all are right the $600 dollar version of the PS3 reportedly only has like..a bigger hard drive? Do you really need a huge hard drive for simple game saves and MAYBE some music and videos here and there? The only real fanboys here are the ones who keep rambling on about the Wii, when was the last REAL good Nintendo game? What? Super Smash Bros.? That's fun for about an hour or two. Im sure that all 3 systems all have their ups and downs. But you should be like me, wait until your FRIENDS spend the money, then decide if you should buy the system, or just mooch off them haha.
The PS3 certainly is overpriced, and I am worried about what Sony is going to go through upon release. Many of the original XBOX360s had major problems when the system was first released. I would know, I bought one, fan broke took it back, got another, fan broke again took it back. Finally I was able to settle with my 3rd one which works amazing. If the PS3 has the same problems or similar ones, which I'm sure it will, will Sony be able to sustain the blow of a lot of $600 systems breaking down and being returned for free ones? Games for the PS3 will be AT LEAST $60. If the technology they are promoting is so amazing, they can't afford to underprice production costs. I won't even start on the Wii, gross. But, all "next-gen" systems will have their faults with their 1st generation releases, It is just a matter of if the company can hold together. I will probably buy the PS3 out of pure joy and love for the gaming industry, but I seriously doubt I will leave the comfort of my XBOX360 (no matter how many I've gone through) with some of the games already down to $40 at Best Buy. The best advice I could give to prospective PS3 owners is, until it's released, don't get your hopes up too high.
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