grey79's forum posts
Also still have this problem, and Im using Opera 9.22
I have an "enhancement": "If its not broke, dont fix it" = the basis of development. More and more bugs are appearing on this site; very annoying. They also take forever to get fixed...
AndwhydowhitespacesSTILLdissapear when you write text on a new line? Been a problem for months now...
Test of random message...
Ahh I've been playing since November and I guess it's alright. I used to play Final Fantasy 11 for 3 years before that, and that was a more challenging, yet moreso boring game. I guess it all depends on preference on what you like about mmo's.WoW is just simple because I can jump on, pick up where I left without any waiting and keep going and finish my quests.I guess the irony in that, lies with the fact that most quests (read: 90%) involve grinding.
Oh, and why are you guys grinding to level up, there are some quests and instances around for you to xp in... I'm sure I'd get bored of the game if I were just grinding too. I also play with RL friends, so that makes it more fun.
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