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Import Games

I am sick of not being able to play other countries great games when they release. I'm not sure how others feel on this subject and sure it might be a bit childish to try and whine and complain about not being able to play import games when they first release or having to play them many years down the line...but damn it I'm going to anyways because I'm sick of it and I know I'm not alone with this feeling either.

Many years ago I may have been like many other people in the United States as I had a blind eye to many things going on around the world especially the world of video gaming, that was until the release of Suikoden 2 state side which was introduce to me by a good friend who was a fan of the series before I...and it was like he opened the gates of heaven to me with what I still call today one of the most perfect rpg I had ever had the honor to play. So minutes after beating the game I sat down in awe at how I could have let such a jewel slip my sweaty fingers and then I began to question what others games could be out there in the world awaiting my full attention!!!

After many years trying to hunt down copies after copies of great titles made else where and finally made it to state side left me with a small satisfaction only to give more life to the hunger building inside of me that demanded more!

And to my dismay there wasn't much else to be had as not every great title makes it over or at lease doesn't make it way over in a timely fashion. For years I waited for the Naruto Ultimate Ninja 3 video game to at lease make a date for its arrival state side as it was only a matter of time that the game would be ship to the US after realizing the popularity it was pulling in (And none too surprised there as it is a great show with a great art style and story). And it took perhaps three years till it finally made its way over by which time I suffered and drove myself nearly bonkers trying to wait it out. Thank god that other great video games and the video game systems were release during that time or I'd be a much sicker man than I am today.

And then there are harsh realities of certain games that will probably never see our beautiful shores like Namco vs Capcom X. Now as crazy as that game might sound or even play is an intriguing concept by itself and i've always wanted a crack at it since i heard about it...but sadly right now in order to play it I would have to mod my ps2, find some way to learn japanese and purchase the games or try to get my hands on a bootleg which either way might involve ebay or someother form of it.

That sucks, or maybe its just me...what do the rest of ya think?