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Random video Game Rant

Hello, I'm greyfox198. I remember it so you don't have to. Well, guess what, people. IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!! WOO-HOOOOOO!!!! I can't wait to open my presents! But, guess what else. I can't open any 'till Iget home at 5 O'CLOCK. Since I'm writing this at 8, I have a looooong time to go. Well, let's get onto the rant. Prince of Persia for PS3. I can sum it up in one word: CRAP. I'm sorry to all you fans out there of PoP, but I think it's horrible. The combat has no strategy at all, it's confusing as hell to get around everywhere, there's almost no plot (you're looking for your donkey?!?!), and you CAN'T DIE. What I would give to see that f'er fall to his death... But, it isn't completely horrible. The graphics are amazingly beautiful. I guess It deserves an, ohh, 4.5. Assassins Creed, on the other hand, is just the oposite, andI just cannot wait to play it. The graphics look amazing, the controls look fluent, and, unlike (angry sigh) that OTHER game, traversing the environment is easy and fun. And the combat, ooh, the combat. It is fluent, easy to do, fun to watch, and unlike (angrier sigh) that OTHER GAME, it requires some strategy to pull off. It easily deserves a 9.5, maybe even a 10. Now, let me tell you of the absolute WORST game on the PS3: Fall of Liberty: Turning Point. I can't describe how bad this s#*t is. The graphics: terrible. The gameplay: horrible. The story: used too damn much. If you see this game on sale for one cent, don't buy it. Get a hammer, and smash it. Smash it into tiny piecces, then smash those, and those, until you have dust, then throw it in a fire. You would be doing a favor to all mankind. Well, that's all I have for today's rant. I'm greyfox198, I remember it so you don't have to.