Did anyone ever realize that the PS3 was rushed way too fast; that if it had the titles it has right now, along with the firmware the release would have been an amazing success? I think people fail to realize that the PS3 is STILL not at its full potential. Isn't the fact that only 7 out of the 8 cell processor's are currently active in our PS3's proof enough that the PS3 is no where near its limits? Poeple tend to look at the now and not the future... Yes its true that the now is important, but does that mean you can't buy an investment before something like MGS4 or FFXIII is out? I think some people are foolish enough to base the PS3's worth on lame titles lie Warhawk and Lair. Those are miniscule in comparison to the future releases we all want; Killzone 2, Resident Evil 5, MGS4, Devil May Cry 4, FFXIII, Dark Sector, UT3, HL Orange Box, etc. If you look at those titles, and the fact that the graphics will STILL keep improving at a steady rate, puts PS3 at the #1 system to watch in my mind. Yeah 360 has Live but you pay out your @ss for some features and point system that end up being more duanting than rewarding. You realy need to pay points to put a theme background up for your menu in 360? WHY? PS3 has custom backgrounds that are free, along with a free online service that keeps improving everyday (I am not neglegent to the fact that it is not as good as Live yet, but the fact that its free automaticaly puts its very close).
Another big factor that keeps me pissed at 360 owners (not all of them :D) is the fact that they can't recognize anything not Microsoft. Does anyone else notice that all you hear from a 360 owners mouth is, "yeah thats coming to 360 too". i have never heard of a PS3 owner saying that about a 360 game (maybe Bioshock but thats because it was supposed to be released for PS3 but was canceled), anyone recall the f#gs that said MGS4 would be multi-platform. In fact, I recall looking up MGS4 on Gamespot and IGN, and it came up as, "for 360 and multi-platform".....wtf. Its so stupid that they lack any good titles that they have to rely on PS3 games to make themselves look better. Sure they are getting Devil May Cry 4 as well, but thats just because Capcom is a system sell-out Wh()re and tries to suck up as much money as possible. Its also a well known fact that Microsoft it a gaping a-hole that shats out money to anyone who can get them a few more quick bucks. Sometimes I think that this website is also a Microsoft sell out, either that or a bunch of slimy 360 fans run the place and try to splatter their seed all over our faces (if you understand my reference then enjoy a good laugh :D). If you ask me, all 360 has going for them is Bioshock, GoW, and the "all mighty" Halo 3. I'm also going to note that Halo 3's stupid grenade that acts as a shield is a great addition to the arsenal, but don't have your fanboys take credit for something that is already in a PS3 launch title, its annoying. If they actually wanted to get a bigger fanbase they would appeal more to the japanese by making some good non-shooter titles, but all they have is 2 FPS'ers and 1 3rdPS... If you say blue dragon is a good game then walk the other way because its only a mediocre title in a sea of amazing RPG's already out, I would even go so far as to say that they finally had a good idea for an RPG, and ruined it by getting the Dragon Ball artist to draw everything, and giving it a kiddish appeal, way to go idiots...
I want to finish this up with my basic analysis on the current gen wars, and my prediction of how they will turn out.
Wii - great system, great games....for kids. out of all the games they make, they seem to appeal to the younger generation way too much. Sure they have Zelda and Metroid to fall back o, but other than that its lacking. If its their marketing plan to go the road they are on then fine, but they know they won't get people to buy much other than Zelda, Smash Bros., and a few more selects... Also any new games they make have to be shooters and sword play games becuase of the way they set up their controller, the Wii mote should be a 1st party accesory, not centerfold, it will turn the Wii into a one-hit show where everything they do may get old real fast (my opinion remember not fact). The system will still sell well because people can see it as playing games with their family, and also a rabid nintendo fanbase. but sooner or later, just liek the cube, people will let dust gather on it, people will get sick of their titles, and see that Mario golf/tennis/waterpolo/kart/drunkfest are all the same stuff that could be packed into one Mario Party title, sad yet true. one thing the Wii will regret is its graphical capacity, the time will come very soon when the 360 games and Ps3 titles will shame the Wii. but like i said in the underlined area above, people will buy, people will play it, and eventually people will forget it.
360 - I really am sick of talking about this system, if you read my full blog you will see that the Wii to me has done nothing wrong, it merely seeks its own way, good for them. the 360 however insists on trying to "crush" its oppposition. they try and cut prices, make deals with game companies, and put out popular titles on other systems big release days. Sure its all just business, but its kind of funny how underhanded Micorsoft will go to make themselves look better, when in fact, they are obviously struggling for supremecy. I said for SUPREMECY; not success, they are doing fine in that department. The 360 in my eyes will always remain a challenge because they have an endless money bag to reach into for support, its titles will be mostly sports titles and FPS'ers, but it will still hang in there. I think in order for the 360 to keep up with the graphical capacity of the PS3 in the coming years it will have to find even more shortcuts than it already has, while the PS3 just gets easier for devs to understand. the 360 is a mistake along with its predecessor (my opinion). One grudge that holds strongly within me is how they ruined oddworld, tried to transform it, failed, and then bailed out. "money-bag" people, keep that in mind :(.
PS3 - The king will arrive soon, its only a small fish in the big sea right now, but soon it will reign supreme. Sony is not stupid, they didn't make it to the top by pure luck. Most developers complain right now about the difficulty of making games for the PS3, but who cares? Companies like Konami and Square-Enix don't complain, and look what they can do. even ninja Theory (Heavenly Sword) can figure it out ok. I truly do think that it is just the laziness of developers who have fallen into the PC trap and only want to make games for the easiest console. They need to get off their lazy @ss' and start learning how to make good games for the PS3. Its like hearing a little kid complain that learning a musical intrument is too hard, but its a fact that practice and time can make them very good at it. Of course its going to be difficult and different, or did they think the PS3 would just be as easy as last gen titles? If they want to make the hyped 'next-gen" titles then they ALL need to start taking initiative. The PS3 will eventually become the leader of all systems within the next 2-3 years. With its free online play, great upcoming titles, awesome user interface, and superior graphical ability, its very clear to me what will happen ( it just needs time). All Hail the King!