Okay, heres a little bit of info on what will be involved in this flash series. First off, we're going to use Macromedia Flash MX, and some Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe LiveMotion, we may change this depending on the results we get after some experimenting.
Leader: Solid Snake (MGS)
Second in Command: Dante (DMC)
generals: Squall (FF8) -Samanoske (ONIMUSHA)- Auron (FF10)- Dingo (ZOE2)
mercenary: Cloud (FF7)
Asassin: Gray Fox (MGS)
Armies: GRU soldiers, SOCOM marines, Helghast, Syphers, Collosi (SotC not out yet)
Guest apperances: Sora, Donald and Goofy, Raiden, Vergil, Sir Dan (midevil), Sub Zero, Jin (tekken), True Ogre and Yojimbo, Crash Bandicoot, Anubis (ZOE2), Alucard, Richter Belmont, Shinobi ninja, Kratos, Nightmare (SOULC), GTA III guy, (incomplete list)
Leader: Master Chief
Second in Command: Gordon Freeman
generals: Ryu (Ninja Gaiden)- Arbitor (HALO2)- Carth (KotOR)- Zack (DOA3)
mercenary: Hayabusa (DOA3)
Assasin: Sam Fisher (SC, also comic relief)
Armies: Combine, Covonent/Flood, Call of Duty Nazis (maybe)
Guest appearances: DOOM 3 marine, Tina, Hitomi, Le Fang, Christie, Kazumi, Crab Heads (HL2), Max Payne, Astroth (SOULC), Kortana, San Andreas guy, (incomplete list)