Michael - 4039-1455-5806
grifbug's forum posts
Plus i am adding everyone now
My FC is 403914555806, my name is Michael, and post a message when you have added me
im going to be online aroun 8
if u have added me cum over 4 a party, scouse style
o yeah bring a piece of your fruit and i will give you some of mine.
Please tell leave friend codes and what fruit. Feel free to join me anytime. My gates r open whenever im on.
Name: Michael
Town: Anfield
Friend Code: 2578-7472-9334
Fruit: Pears
Name: Michael
Town: Anfield
Friend Code: 2578-7472-9334
Fruit: Pears
Wii Speak: No
Name: Michael
Town: Anfield
Friend Code: 2578-7472-9334
Hey guys here is my friend code: My name is Michael and my town is called Anfield
here is my friend code: 2578-7472-9334
Aree you doing anything tonight. Do you fancy coming round to my Town for a new years eve party. I will be open at say 10
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