As you can guess im Currently playing Creed.
Im not that far in but i can already see that this is going to become one repetitive game. Missions are repeated over and over with very little difference. When it comes to combat Repetitve is a huge understatment. I have basically used one move throughout the game, Counter-attack, this usually instantly kills a soldier. Also, since youre health heals WHILST in combat you are basically invunreable as when you lose all your health you go into this semi-dead state where you can just stumble for a few moments and get two health back and there you go.
As shown with prince of persia ubisoft are the best at platforming and they have once again nailed it. Climbing is great and really fun and the living breathing cities are epic but they dont seem all that big since im currently playing Oblivion, and well...Oblivion is just massive seriously..Massive.
Currently its a 4/9
Oh yeah im also playing Oblivion, And well...Its truly Brilliant. No game matches it..Forget Mass Effect..Oblivion is the best RPG out at the moment hands down. Im 12 hours in and i havent even scratched the surface of the story. Everyone should just go and buy it.
As im currently bigging up the size of Oblvion it will seem strange that i say that if i had to say one bad thing about it, and im being really picky, it is the size. Implemented into the game is a system called fast travelling that is a great thing but you can only fast travel to places you have discovered so if you get a mission to go to a random mine and your ages away it may seem like an annoyance getting there. Still, most places are near a major city which you can fast travel too instanly so its not all that bad.
Currently 8.5/9
Completed call of duty 4. Single player isnt very good and really short but i do quite like the mission called "Shock and Awe". But multiplayer totally makes up for it.