Went to see a preview of transformers today...And im sooo glad i did. Its possibly the best movie of the year. Forget HPTOOTP- Yes tom, forget that ugly girl and terrible acting-Die hard, Oceans thirteen...Everything.
I was scared when the movie started, Bay the director of Pearl Harbour, Armeggedon..(Dont think i spelt that right) so you see why i was worried? Anyway, I was a bit reassured by the fact that one of the best young actors was in it, Shia Lebouf who is in even stevens, holes and (the best part of....) I,robot. Then knocked back again by this voice that starts talking about killing and stuff. Thankfully, it jumps straight into action...and carries on from there.
Shia is easily the best part of the film, he is very funny and this film actually makes you laugh rather than you forcing out a terrible forced chuckle (Well...Except when i laughed at how bad the acting was in HP). The robots look brilliant, stunning in fact. The CG is amazing and the first time you seen some awesome transforming you're like...Woot!
On the note of the story...Or well the Lack of. It does seem to be very weak...Bit more thought could of gone into it, but still you dont really think about the story when robots are fighting each other.
Another bad thing is the fact that it goes far too quickly...
Overall: 8/10
On another unrealted point, i havent got the new HP book but im very eager to pick it up as i have heard great things about it! Ive been reading the other 6 books and once you get into them, they are very hard to put down. No spoilers please!
Bye bye.